Spring Fling Craft Retreat
April Showers Bring May Crafts
Spring Fling Craft Retreat is an event for you to set up camp to work on your crafts as well as worship with friends alike. Only at this special spring retreat do we offer a variety of classes, afternoon Tea Time, and an Ice Cream Social as we grow in fellowship with one another.
Bring your sewing machine, hot glue gun and glitter, and get ready for a great time.
As always we will do our best to plan good weather, great food and hospitality, and fantastic fun. We look forward to seeing you in May!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Contact Carole Scheer (Director) at (360)665-4367 or [email protected].
Come Get Away:
Click here to learn about the different ways to register for this retreat:
Dates and Times:
2021 TBA
Single Occupancy:
Wednesday Arrival
Thursday Arrival
Friday Arrival
Double Occupancy:
Wednesday Arrival
Thursday Arrival
Friday Arrival
Packing lists, driving directions and FAQs visit: