Parents & guardians

Summer 2025!
Welcome to Ocean Park Camp & Retreat Center. We are so glad that you and/or your camper will be joining us this summer for an unforgettable experience of Christian community, teachings, and play in God’s amazing Creation.
We are accredited with the American Camp Association and pride ourselves in not only meeting, but also exceeding their standards for safety and developmentally appropriate programming.
Our 2025 registration will be opening soon! Keep an eye on our social media for the latest updates!
Preparing your Child For Camp
Success at camp and how to avoid homesickness:
We want to help you as a parent to set up your child for success at camp. While homesickness is very rare here at Ocean Park where we play hard all day, we wanted to inform you about some tips and techniques to help you and your child prepare for a week away from their normal routine.
Homesickness: Preventing and Coping
We also understand that sending your child away for the first time can be scary and you may even find yourself feeling ‘kid-sick’. The American Camping Association provides 5 Tips for Surviving Your Child’s First Overnight Camp Experience.
Important Camp Information
Medications: All prescription medications must come in their original containers with written directions of dispensing from their doctor. We cannot vary from those doctor’s orders. Also, while we must have the medications in their original containers, we recommend you only send to camp the amount needed for the session with a few extra in the event of unforeseen circumstances. All other non-prescription medications, ointments and
vitamins must also come in their original containers, with signed instructions for dispersal from the camper’s parent or guardian. ALL medications must be turned in to the camp nurse upon arrival at camp and will be kept under lock for the duration of the week. You will meet with our camp nurse during check-in to drop off medications and pass along any information needed.
Food: Your camper will be provided with three nutritionally balanced meals and 1-2 snacks per day. Do not send your camper(s) with snacks. We ask this to keep other campers safe, to keep critters out of buildings, and for fairness. Your camper(s) will have access to snacks during the day and they can purchase fun snacks and drinks at the camp store every afternoon. Please make sure you have listed any special dietary needs on your registration form. We do everything we can to make sure their needs are met. Extra special diets, we appreciate you bring any special food and our cooks can store them in the kitchen.
Photos: Being away from your camper for a week can be hard. Our staff are constantly taking pictures during the week and posting them on social media so you can keep up with what your camp!
Electronics: At Ocean Park we are proud to be an electronic device free environment. We encourage campers to put their screens down and experience God’s creation and the in person community. For this reason, we ask that all electronics, including cell phones, stay at home. If you or your camper(s) are uncomfortable being without a phone for a week your camper(s) may not be ready for camp. Please note that we will collect phones from campers that bring them and return them on Friday. If cell phones are accidentally brought, we will store them someplace where they can’t get lost or damaged.
Mail: Getting mail during the week can often be a highlight for campers. We encourage loved ones to send mail to your camper, if they send letters via mail please make sure they are sent a week ahead of time to guarantee delivery. Campers can also receive emails during camp. More information will be provided in our parent pack sent prior to the start of camp. Please do not send food. It is unfair to other campers, snacks are not allowed in the cabins, and it can pose a risk to other campers if there are allergies. Pro Tip: What we have found works best is to pre-write letters and give those to us at check in.
Dates: July 20-25, 2025
Arrival – Sunday, July 20, 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Departure – Friday, July 25, 11:30am – 12pm. Please feel free to arrive in time to participate in our closing campfire at 11:30 am.
Mid – High
Dates: July 13-18, 2025
Arrival – Sunday, July 13, 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Departure – Saturday, July 18, 11:30am – 12pm. Please feel free to arrive in time to participate in our closing campfire at 11:30 am.
Packing List
Please label campers items with their name to make sure it gets home safely! Especially items that other campers might also bring such as camp sweatshirts, towels etc.
Water bottle
Sleeping bag/Twin Sheet and Blanket
2 towels
Shorts (at least 2 pair)
Long pants (at least 2 pair)
2 sweatshirts
T-shirts (one per day)
Rub-on insect repellent
Warm jacket
Underwear (one per day)
Socks (one per day)
2 pairs of shoes (one sturdy for hiking)
Medication(s) in original container
Flashlight (extra batteries)
Check Dean’s Letter for additional items
Envelopes – pre-stamped & addressed
Money for camp store
NOTE: Campers who drive their own vehicle to camp should leave the vehicle in the parking lot until camp is over. Permission from the Small Group Leader is needed after check-in to access items in your car.
Food & snacks
Electronics of any kinds
Valuables (jewelry, clothing)
Tobacco products, vapes, alcohol, non-prescribed drugs
Weapons, knives, guns, fireworks
Animals unless for programmatic purposes with prior permission from the Director.
If you have any questions, we would love to help and chat:
A Day at Camp
Wake up! Campers are given plenty of time to shower and get ready at their own pace.
Morning Watch A time for worship and introduction of our daily theme
Wave Jumping Take a jump in the Pacific Ocean with the careful oversight of a certified lifeguard. Campers are not required to get in the water and can play in the sand instead
All Camp Game Ameoba tag anyone?
FOB aka Feet on Bunk an opportunity to rest and recharge. For some campers this means a nap, others may choose to read, color or get creative with another quiet activity.
Connection Time Campers are allowed to mingle in lower camp and enjoy each others company without a planned activity. The camp store is also open during this time if they’d like to enjoy a treat!
Rally We gather as a whole group to worship and take a deeper dive into our message of the day.
Small Group Campers split into their assigned small group to digest the message from rally and do activities that align with the message.
Choice Time Choose your own adventure style, campers get to pick which activity they want to do during this time. Options might include kayaking, archery, field games, climbing wall, karaoke, or many more.
All Camp Activity You never know what the deans are going to come up with!
Brush and Flush We’ll put on our warmer clothes and prepare for camp fire.
Camp Fire Join with songs, skits and final conclusions about our daily message.
Cabin Time Wind down for the evening and prepare for bed. Campers are allowed to shower during this time as well.
Lights Out!